
Burn HD Review

As a fat burning supplement that the manufacturers’ tested using double-blind trials, Burn HD is one of the most popular diet pills on the market. Featuring ingredients that have thermogenic effects, it can make you lose weight; without trying.

However, I recommend that you do try, especially if you want to see Burn HD’s full benefits. In this post, I’ll examine my experiences with Burn HD and give you a greater insight into the ingredients, how it works, my full burn HD review and whether it has FDA approval. Oh, and we’ll also look at factors such as side effects and how to get the most out of it.

Burn HD ingredients

Burn HD ingredients
Burn HD ingredients

Burn HD features a host of elements that are natural. Each one plays its role in aiding with weight loss. They include:


While the title sounds technical, Meratrim is a weight loss aid that has a herbal basis. According to one study performed by Dr. Oz, taking Meratrim for two weeks can help you lose three pounds, plus three inches from your waistline.


Using a combination of Chromium and Niacin, weight loss experts came up with ChromeMate. As a metallic compound that we all need in small amounts anyway, Chromium helps insulin move energy into our cells. In simple terms, this means it encourages our body to use energy sources such as fat and sugar.

In contrast, Niacin doesn’t come with weight loss benefits, but it does protect your health in other ways. Also known as vitamin B3, Niacin plays a role in protecting your cardiovascular health. Together, Chromium and Niacin reduce your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. With a healthier heart, you’ll find it easier to exercise, which is conducive to weight loss in itself.

Green Tea Extract

Scientists are always questioning the weight loss benefits of green tea. One study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, found that green tea plays a significant role in weight loss and weight loss maintenance. The research was especially rigorous, as it was a meta-analysis. In short, this means it gathered other studies together and pooled their results to see if green tea is useful for weight loss and its conclusions were favorable.

Natural Caffeine USP

As a purified coffee extract, natural caffeine USP is a powerful antioxidant and a thermogenic. Thermogenics raise your body temperature and heart rate slightly, which then causes it to burn more calories.


The inclusion of Cellulose in Burn HD forces you to feel fuller for longer. We call this ‘prolonging satiety,’ which means you’re less likely to reach for snacks after eating a healthy meal. One study published by the Obesity Society found this, and it also found that it delays gastric emptying, which adds to feeling fuller for longer.

Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide is routinely used throughout the pharmaceutical world for building stronger bones and slowing the progression of conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Much like the use of Niacin, Silcon Dioxide’s presence in Burn HD provides you with strength, making it easier for you to workout.

Magnesium Stearate

The magnesium stearate present in Burn HD exists to ensure each capsule’s ingredient binds nicely. Like many pills, Burn HD requires a natural lubricant that’ll allow its components to move through your gut wall and start working their magic.

Magnesium stearate allows it to do this, and it comes from vegetable derivatives rather than oil. As such, it’s safe for vegetarians and vegans.

Burn HD’s Benefits

Now that you know about the ingredients, it’s time to start exploring BurnHD’s benefits. As with any weight loss product, the benefits related to the ingredients themselves.

Burn HD benefits
The Benefits of Burn HD ingredients

One of my favorite ingredients in Burn HD is Niacin. Although it isn’t a big player in the weight loss process, I do appreciate how it protects my cardiovascular health. It’ll achieve this in the following ways:

  • Lowering cholesterol levels; Some studies have found that those who are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including strokes, will build more ‘good’ cholesterol than bad when taking Niacin as a supplement.
  • It naturally reduces inflammation. So, if you suffer from conditions such as acne or psoriasis, you may see them calm while taking BurnHD.
  • You can control your blood sugar levels; One study demonstrates how Niacin helps those who take it control their blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar levels remain stable, you’re less likely to encounter the cravings that make you snack.

Of course, Niacin isn’t the only ingredient in Burn HD, so I won’t give it all of the attention. Like Niacin, Chromium balances your blood sugar levels, reducing your chances of snacking and helping you feel a steady level of energy throughout the day.

Other benefits of Burn HD include:

  • There’s evidence demonstrating that Green Tea Extract aids with neuroplasticity. As a result, you’ll find it easier to concentrate and build memories.
  • Another study reveals how Green Tea Extract makes it easier for your digestive system to tackle starch.
  • Recognize the name Cellulose? Well, that’s because it’s a form of fiber. When you add fiber to your diet, you give your digestive system an easier time by making sure your stools have the right composition. Although that might sound gross, it does mean you’re less likely to feel tired and more likely to absorb nutrients, because everything is running smoothly in there.
  • Silcon dioxide is a regular feature of those pills that help your hair and nails grow. As such, in addition to helping you lose weight, it’ll enhance your appearance in other ways.

It’s clear that Burn HD isn’t all about weight loss. However, I know that’s your primary reason for wanting to use it, so we’ll move onto exploring whether it really works.

How does Burn HD work?

First of all, let’s look at how Burn HD is meant to work. As I have already mentioned, it has thermogenic compounds – namely green tea and natural caffeine. Thermogenics feature in a lot of diet pills, but not always in a natural form. When you do take one, and your body responds appropriately, your temperature should rise slightly, resulting in your basal metabolic rate increasing.

What is your basal metabolic rate? I’m glad you asked. Your basal metabolic rate is the number of calories your body will burn, even if you’re doing nothing. That rate rises when you move, if your heart needs to beat faster, or if your body temperature increases. So, throwing a thermogenic into the weight loss mix makes life a little easier.

By combining Chromium and Silicon Dioxide, Burn HD also increases your satiety. This means you feel fuller for longer after eating a meal. It achieves this through slowing gastric emptying and aiding insulin. Combined, these two factors result in fewer energy dips that result in cravings, plus a feeling of fullness that doesn’t prompt you to eat.

However, like any diet supplement, Burn HD won’t work as a solo agent. The natural caffeine and green tea extracts act as excellent energy boosters, giving you the perfect platform to exercise more. Additionally, if you’re going to metabolize calories faster and increase satiety, don’t use that as an excuse to eat junk. A healthy diet, alongside Burn HD and exercise, will propel your weight loss significantly.

Burn HD Review

First of all, Burn HD arrived seriously quickly. As someone who loves to get started with new weight loss efforts pronto, this left me feeling incredibly impressed.

Burn HD review
Burn HD

The packaging is quite contemporary and not untypical of your average weight loss product. It states clearly on the front what Burn HD aims to achieve:

  • Weight loss
  • An increase in energy
  • Appetite suppression

So, from the moment I opened the package, I was clear on the potential benefits it offered. It’s probably also worth highlighting that the manufacturers state the ingredients clearly on the back, which meant I was also familiar with what I was taking.

Although the pill does taste slightly chalky, it’s easy to overcome this: make sure you take a BIG gulp of water with it. When you consider the number of pharmaceuticals that come with their own bizarre tastes, this is no big deal. Oh, and it doesn’t produce an aftertaste, which is a relief.

For the first few days, I did notice a noticeable spike in my energy levels. Considering Burn HD has a formula that incorporates natural slow-releasing types of energy, this is not surprising. After a few days, this did appear to plateau, but I did notice that my overall energy levels were higher.

Regarding effects, it only took one or two days for my appetite to start dissipating. Like many others who use Burn HD, I chose to incorporate the product into my clean eating and early morning exercise regime. Although I’d been following this regime for a while anyway, taking BurnHD did increase my weight loss results significantly.

How do you take Burn HD?

Now, as Burn HD contains two different forms of energy, you should never take it after mid-afternoon. While doing so won’t cause any physical harm, you will struggle to sleep. As such, it’s an early daytime and lunchtime supplement only.

You take one capsule, twice a day. I follow the manufacturer’s instructions, which is to take my Burn HD half-an-hour to an hour before breakfast, and then again before lunch. Doing so means I encounter an energy burst for an empty stomach workout in the morning.

As with any diet supplement, it’s important to note that Burn HD won’t work on its own. It isn’t a fix-all pill, and the same rule applies to dieting in general. Eating less but not moving more also won’t produce the results you want to see. As such, you do need to take BurnHD as a part of a healthy lifestyle, not instead of one.

Does Burn HD really work?

While there are many reviews online that sing Burn HD’s praises, science is also on its side.

At present, Burn HD’s creators are looking into the efficacy of Meratrim, which is its cardinal ingredient. The study in question is examining adults between the ages of 18 and 65 who want to lose weight, but are struggling to do so using traditional dieting means. The study will compare two groups: those who use a low-calorie diet only and those who use one alongside Meratrim. The researchers will focus on whether the participants are losing weight while they incorporate Meratrim into their diets, as well as whether their insulin sensitivity improves. When they publish the results, I’ll have a better idea of whether Burn HD’s cardinal ingredient delivers the results you want on paper.

However, until then, there is one study that can account for Burn HD’s successes. Published by Lipids in Health Disease, it focused on those who were overweight, but not obese. Each participant was asked to engage in the same diet and exercise regime while using Meratrim. As such, there was no control group, but the researchers were able to reveal that the participants experienced statistically significant weight loss and lower lipid levels.

Is Burn HD approved by the FDA?

At present, Burn HD does not have FDA approval. Personally, I don’t see that as being something to worry about. The FDA approves of the majority of the supplement’s ingredients, which means you can rest assured they’re safe.

Additionally, the FDA tends to focus on drugs that are likely to pose a significant risk as newcomers to the medication game. As a natural supplement that doesn’t take a risky approach to weight loss, Burn HD doesn’t fall into this category. As such, a lack of FDA approval may just mean it’s not dangerous enough to warrant the organization’s attention.

Burn HD side effects

Like anything you consume with the aim of losing weight, Burn HD does cause some side effects. However, how often or how ‘badly’ you experience them depends on some factors, which I will discuss below.

For now, Burn HD’s side effects sometimes include:

  • Tremors
  • Shaking
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • A headache
  • Diarrhea
  • A rapid heart rate

Many of these side effects arise due to Burn HD’s energy content. The natural caffeine extracts alongside the green tea extract have the potential to:

  • Make your gut move faster
  • Increase your heart rate
  • Make you feel nauseous, when you don’t consume them safely

In my experience, you are more likely to encounter these side effects if you fail to eat, hydrate yourself, or if you consume unnatural sources of caffeine alongside Burn HD. It’s also worth noting that if you have a condition that already predisposes you to any of the above, you should discuss taking the supplement with your doctor.

Where can I buy Burn HD

You can buy Burn HD from Amazon. Amazon is always my first port of call for several reasons:

  • I can get free next day delivery via Amazon Prime, allowing me to kick start my diet asap
  • The manufacturer sells directly through Amazon, so I know I am getting the real deal
  • The manufacturer also answers questions about Burn HD and gives clear instructions on how to take it

You can buy Burn HD here.

Any alternative solutions to Burn HD?

If you’re looking for an alternative to Burn HD, I’d like to recommend Phen375. As an appetite suppressant, energy booster, and fat burner, it’s an all-in-one solution for those who want to lose weight quickly.

Like Burn HD, Phen375 contains all-natural ingredients. Similarly, there’s science to back their use during the weight loss process. It’s capable of delivering the same thermogenic benefits, which means you’ll boost your basal metabolic rate while taking it.

Also, Phen375 has a healthy relationship with boosting satiety too. And, it helps your body build a better relationship with insulin, allowing you to move energy sources into cells faster. As such, if you find that Burn HD isn’t working for you, for whatever reason, I highly recommend it as an alternative.

Burn HD F.A.Qs

Does Burn HD produce any serious side-effects?

According to the manufacturers, the product has been on the market for seven years. During that time, there have been no serious side effects.

Does it make everyone jittery?

Although some people will encounter tremors, shakiness, and a racing heart when they take Burn HD, this isn’t true for all users. It only contains 75 mg of caffeine, which is less than a normal cup of coffee. So, if you don’t feel jittery when drinking coffee, you won’t when you take Burn HD. Also, you can minimize the risk of this happening by cutting out other caffeine sources.


Is Burn HD okay to take while pregnant or breastfeeding?

I wouldn’t recommend trying either. Although Burn HD features only natural ingredients, it hasn’t been tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women. As such, you can’t be sure it is safe to take.

How long does each bottle of Burn HD last for?

Each bottle of Burn HD lasts for a month and contains enough pills for your twice-daily dose.


As an all-natural weight loss product, Burn HD has been around for seven years. It contains a few novel ingredients, such as Meratrim, which are innovative as far as the weight loss world goes.

Through a combination of thermogenic and appetite suppressing effects, Burn HD results in weight loss. However, the results are even greater if you take it alongside a healthy diet and exercise. Although there are relatively few side effects associated with the pill, you should always consult a medical professional first before taking it.

Finally, if you find Burn HD doesn’t work for you, you can always try Phen375 instead. It too takes a natural approach to appetite suppression and weight loss, allowing it to act as a viable alternative.


Written by Hugo L

Hugo is a 29 years old nutritionist, ex-pro hockey player and a published author.

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