
Is there a natural tea I can drink to help reduce belly fat?

The Red Tea Detox


There are teas with natural remedies that help purify your body and kickstart fat loss. Regular consumption of this infusion will help you lose abdominal fat faster. Reducing belly fat is a goal that many want to achieve.

It is very important to know that abdominal fat is the result of the poor function of some organs of our body that are responsible for its maintenance. The liver, colon, kidneys and lungs get involved in purifying our body.

If they do not perform their functions properly, the results may be excess abdominal fat.

Abdominal fat, in addition to affecting our body image and lowering our self-esteem, has dire consequences to our health. When belly fat grows, we’re prone to suffer from diseases like:

  • Hypertension
  • Cardiac complications
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Migraines
  • Dementia

Fortunately, there are natural teas that give us very effective solutions to reduce stomach fat and improve our overall health.

What is the best tea for reducing belly fat?

It’s made out of 4 main ingredients and it will help lower your abdominal fat. The power lies in the ingredients, which have fantastic properties to detoxify the body and eliminate toxins.

Let’s see how the ingredients of this wonderful tea act:

  1. Lemon

Lemon is very effective in eliminating toxins. It is usually included in shakes because, when ingested, it becomes a fat-removing agent in the blood.

It also contains vitamin C, which is one of those responsible for strengthening our immune system, and citric acid, which maximizes the function of enzymes that stimulate the liver. It is a known diuretic and is rich in pectin, a component that helps maintain satiety. In addition, it contributes to the alkalization of the body, while reducing the feeling of hunger during the day.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known to maintain blood sugar levels. This helps eliminate insulin spikes and dips. Insulin increases contribute to the body not using all the glucose and end up accumulating fat.

By consuming more cinnamon, we achieve normal blood glucose levels. The elevation of these levels usually results in weight gain and great difficulty in losing it.

  • Honey

Although honey has more calories than sugar (sugar has 16 calories and honey 21), it provides more nutritional value and is absorbed more slowly. Honey contains vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids to which therapeutic properties and many health benefits are attributed. Thanks to its components, honey can help reduce stress, regulate sleep, prevent respiratory diseases and have a laxative effect.

  • Ginger

Ginger is anti-inflammatory. It helps control food cravings and stimulates the cleanliness of the body and prevents fluid retention. So, no more indigestion and it also favors a better absorption of nutrients.

How to prepare the best tea to lose belly fat and lose weight


  • A cup of water
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon powder (5 g)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • A small piece of ginger


  • Heat the cup of water and, when it boils, add all the ingredients, except for honey.
  • Allow the decoction to take place for 10 minutes and then let stand another 5.
  • Strain, sweeten with the teaspoon of honey and drink normally.

When to drink it:

Drink it twice a day.

One in the morning, fasting, and at night before bedtime.

In the morning, remember to wait half an hour after tea before taking any other food. Remember to be constant so you can see the desired effects.

To order to obtain all the benefits that the ingredients of this tea provide, it would be ideal to also do regular exercise and drinking plenty of water. You’ll soon discover after drinking this tea that you’ll feel full of energy and your abdominal fat will get noticeably reduced.

The combination of this tea with a healthy lifestyle can have amazing results. Do not hesitate to change your habits and include this tea in your daily diet.


The best 6 alternative teas and ingredients

  1. Green tea

It is an ally that we must include in a varied and balanced diet.

By itself it will not work the miracle of making us lose those extra kilos.

Thanks to its catechins content, green tea helps us to accelerate our metabolism, thus allowing us to burn fat.

Extra: It is also a mild appetite suppressant, which makes us eat less and arrive without anxiety at the main meals.

  • Garcinia tea

Some experts consider that the ideal is to use garcinia after weight loss, in the maintenance stage, since its main properties are the satiating effect and that prevents the excess of ingested carbohydrates from becoming fat.

Extra: Do not abuse foods high in fiber, it can already prevent the body from absorbing the hydroxycitric acid (HCA) present in garcinia.

  • Fucus tea

This algae is very rich in iodine, trace elements, mineral salts and vitamins C and group B. This is important because iodine has the ability to stimulate the thyroid gland. As a consequence, the basal metabolism increases, which implies that it increases energy consumption, even while at rest, so that the process of “fat burning” is facilitated.

Extra: It is good for the elimination of toxins through the urine and increases the feeling of satiety due to its content in mucilages (carbohydrates).

  • Aloe Vera tea

Thanks to its phytosterols, it reduces belly fat, the so-called dangerous fat that surrounds the main organs, and controls blood glucose, allowing us to lose weight. It is also an excellent laxative and toxin cleaner.

Extra: Take it as a smoothie in the morning. Add a teaspoon of honey to improve its flavor.

  • Sarsaparilla tea

The root (powdered or crushed) is the part of the plant that is used for its diuretic and laxative properties, as it helps cleanse the body and facilitates the removal of fluids.

Extra: To enhance its purifying effects you can combine it with burdock root and dandelion.

  • Green coffee

There are two main properties of green coffee in a weight control diet: its satiating effect and its ability to burn fat.

Extra: Consider green coffee as a supplement that can accompany a hypocaloric diet, but never the magical food that will make you lose weight.

I hope you find this article helpful. I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey!

The Red Tea Detox
Brian H

Written by Brian H

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